Welcome to the Mainely Flyfishing website, your source for guiding, instruction, fly fishing information, books, videos, and more. My name is Lou Zambello and I am a guide, instructor, writer, speaker, and columnist. Please explore this site or email me to learn more.

Has autumn fly fishing arrived? Fishing Report

August has brought with it several bouts of cool weather. I spent a couple days up at Kennebago Lake and the high temperatures for the day, even with partial sunshine struggled to reach 60 with a hefty breeze making it feel cooler. Rains showers and thunderstorms have increased soil moisture from very dry levels and started to raise rivers and streams. I fished the Kennebago River several mornings and the water temps were in the mid-60’s, very fishable. The few salmon residing in the river were active. I caught a very nice 18 incher on a size 14 Puterbaugh Caddis and he must have jumped 5 or 6 times. I missed several more. Other anglers have shared similar stories.

I also heard from someone that saw big trout trapping blacknose dace against rocks on the Kennebago Lake shoreline and then hammering them. Last night my son-in-law landed a 17- inch salmon on the lake after spotting a pool of rising salmon and casting a small dry to the lead fish. I can guarantee you that surface water temperatures are much cooler that a year ago at this time. On the morning of  August 31, Kennebago Lake surface temperature was 64.

On August 29, the heavy rain missed the mountains but they did pick up one-half to three-quarters of an inch. However, for Labor Day weekend, water levels are extremely low. We really need a good 2- inch rainstorm to raise water levels. A chance of rain on Monday, so we will see what happens.


Very active mid-August landlock salmon on the Kennebago River.

        Very active mid-August landlock salmon on the Kennebago River.

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I also fished the lower Magalloway River in late August, below the Rte. 16 Bridge. Water flow was perfect as were water temps in the low to mid 60’s. I didn’t find many fish, however. I was fishing mid-day and it was very bright, so that didn’t help matters any. I did hook a couple of very nice smallies.

Smallmouth over 3-pounds like this one put up a dogged fight in moving water

Smallmouth over 3-pounds like this one put up a dogged fight in moving water.



Rangeley Outdoor Heritage Museum

Hi Folks,

Short notice I know, but I will be at the Rangeley Heritage Museum in Oquossoc tomorrow (Saturday July 3rd) from 11 to They become tadalafil 20mg canada more sensitive to diet, substance abuse, stress, and rest. Why is frankkrauseautomotive.com buy viagra onlined? viagra is an erectile dysfunction issue. Due to this, the men are able to keep the idea of giving sexual pleasures at bay cialis for women at least till some special day or for the date and this is taking the toll. It has been found that eating aphrodisiacs like chocolates, ginseng and oysters can also help boost sperm motility which increases the chances browse for info buy cialis from india of sperm fertilizing the female egg. 4. 3, signing my new book, “In Pursuit of Trophy Brook Trout”, showing a few short videos, and just hanging out. Stop by.

Mayfly Hatches and the Big Move

It has been too long since I posted, the result of my house move. Moving to a new house after 20 years in the old one is not a simple process. Just moving my fly-fishing library required six boxes. But I am thrilled with my new house on Dundee Pond in Windham. Now, whether I am there or up at Kennebago, I will always be on the water.

View of Dundee Pond from my new flytying room

    View of Dundee Pond from my new house

IMG_2096 (2)View from my fly-tying desk

Drake Hatches

Hatches across Maine were late this year because of the cold and rainy spring, but when summer weather finally arrived so did the large mayflies. On June 28th, the brown drakes started emerging on the far northeast shore of Kennebago Lake on Blanchard Cove. A large number of 12 to 16 inch salmon with some brook trout as well were on them. Occasionally, a bigger fish was caught. Each of the three or four boats down there over the next few days boated a dozen salmon at least in several hours.

The salmon were not huge but they were feisty, often jumping four or more times.

The salmon were not huge but they were feisty, often jumping four or more times.

Over the next week, sporadic brown drake hatches moved up the lake. On July 10th, right opposite my camp on the western edge of Kennebago Lake, I had a brown drake hatch all to myself and caught one trout after another. The trout maxed out in size at 12 inches, but they eagerly ate a Royal Wulff. I did see a few huge rises but didn’t ever really get a cast to them.
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To me, a Royal Wulff looks nothing like an emerging brown drake, but to a trout...

To me, a Royal Wulff looks nothing like an emerging brown drake, but to a trout…

As July has progressed a variety of large mayflies continue to emerge across Maine. Can anyone identify these beauties?

This guy is very dark for a summer mayfly.

This guy is very dark for a summer mayfly.

You know it is midsummer in Maine when the Hexes show up.

You know it is midsummer in Maine when the Hexes show up.

Before I end this blog, let me thank everyone for their support purchasing my books. In the last few months I have sold hundreds of books on Amazon alone. Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @ mainelyflyfishing

In Pursuit of Trophy Brook Trout

Hello folks,

I do practice what I preach. In my book, “In Pursuit of Trophy Brook Trout”, I discuss how hunting for trophy wild brook trout requires a certain discipline. Today was a great example. My son-in-law and I were fishing a popular Rangeley area river. 6 to 10 inch trout with the occasional 12-14 incher were rising and chasing small emerging brown caddis.

Brian was consistently catching the rising fish by casting his 3-weight with a small Royal Wulff or brown Puterbaugh caddis. He must have caught at least a dozen while I stubbornly kept casting a Cosohammer soft-hackle streamer (white with blue highlights). I was actually casting upstream and letting it drift down with the current and occasionally even retrieving it downstream.

The only positive results were hits by  smaller trout once and a while, until a downstream drift on the edge of a fast current garnered a solid strike. After a short but spirited fight, a colorful, very fat male brook trout weighing around 2 and 1/2 pounds slid into the net. It coughed up the partially digested remains of a 4 inch fish as it was being landed.
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My only fish of the morning but exactly what I was looking for. This trout was a fish-eater and would have never taken a small dry fly. I caught it because I was persistent in casting a meaty-looking streamer and ignoring the smaller rising fish. I have to admit, another few minutes and I probably would have switched to a dry fly.

A terrible photo, deep in the net, but he flopped away before I could get a better photo - but this is the two pound plus trout I described above. Certainly can't ascertain his girth from this photo.

A terrible photo, deep in the net, but he flopped away before I could get a better photo – but this is the two pound plus trout I described above. Certainly can’t ascertain his girth from this photo.

The half-digested fish that the trout coughed up during his fight and the streamer he was caught on, next to his previous meal for comparison.

The half-digested fish that the trout coughed up during his fight and the streamer he was caught on, next to his previous meal for comparison.

Mid June Fly Fishing Report

Before I give you the fishing report, a few housekeeping items to cover. First, don’t forget to follow me @mainelyflyfishing on Instagram. Interesting photos posted almost every day.I am in cell phone range. Second, here are other locations that you can find my books signed by me: Northwoods Outfitters in Greenville, Maine, Matagamon Campground near Shin Pond, Maine, and Sherman Book and Stationary in Freeport, Maine (and their four other affiliated bookstore locations),

As for the fishing report….Bugs are emerging everywhere and that means good fishing and possible anemia from blood loss due to biting insects. In certain locations, the mosquitos and blackflies are the worst in decades due to the cool and wet spring. I was up in northern Baxter State Park camping and fishing Webster Stream and the black flies and mosquitos were epic. I had to wear what was literally like a beekeepers suit for three straight days. If you exposed the back of your hand for five seconds without moving it, a half dozen mosquitos would land on it.

This is always a frustrating time for me because so many fishing options exist and one has only so much time. Smallmouth and largemouth bass are still in the shallows. Stripers have arrived along the Maine coast. Stocked fisheries still have good water flow and plenty of stockers left to catch. Wild trout and salmon have moved into many rivers and are biting aggressively. Calm evenings in Northern New England’s ponds and lakes bring rises to early season mayflies and caddis. Decisions, decisions – where to fish.

This is the time of year when I receive many inquiries from readers concerning where to fish. My answer is always (1) choose the type of fishing that you want to do- (2) find a convenient type of water that offers that type of fishing, (3) try it, and if you don’t find action fairly quickly, go to your second choice, and last but not least (4) dress for biting insects! I will post more when I am not heading to the water, but here are a selection of photos that demonstrate the diversity of fly fishing that mark this time of year.

Red-eyed smallmouoth bass hit my small chartruese popper on Damariscotta Lake

Red-eyed smallmouoth bass hit my small chartreuse popper on Damariscotta Lake,

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Largemouth bass were also active on Damariscotta Lake

Largemouth bass were also active on Damariscotta Lake

My daughter, Mary, with a beautiful brook trout caught on the always productive Royal Wulff fly pattern by casting to an undercut bank.

My daughter, Mary, with a beautiful brook trout caught on the always productive Royal Wulff fly pattern by casting to an undercut bank.

Fishing isn't always just about the catching. Along Webster Stream in Baxter State Park were the most gorgeous white lady slippers. A Ladly Slipper is actually an orchid but one adapted to live in the northeastern US and Canada. When you closely examine its leaves and flower then it is obvious that it has a distinct orchid look to it.

Fishing isn’t always just about the catching. Along Webster Stream in Baxter State Park were the most gorgeous white lady slippers. A Lady Slipper is actually an orchid but one adapted to live in the northeastern US and Canada. When you closely examine its leaves and flower then it is obvious that it has a distinct orchid look to it.


Rangeley Area Fishing Report

Hello everyone,

Sorry that I have been tardy posting during this most important part of the fly fishing season, but my wife and I purchased a new home quite suddenly and that means trying to spruce up and sell our current home. No, I am not talking about our Kennebago Lake retreat but our winter home in Cumberland. New abode is on Dundee Pond, an impoundment of the Presumpscot River in Windham.

New winter house on Dundee Pond

                             New winter house on Dundee Pond

Let me give a quick shout out to Deerfield Fly Shop on the lower Deerfield River in Massachusetts (www.deerfieldflyshop.com). They now stock all three of my books. If you have never floated the Deerfield River,  I highly recommend it. Not only is it full of trout, but the river fishes well almost all year, when most of our home rivers are either too cold or too hot. This is due to the fact that the water is fed by a bottom-release dam. Contact the Deerfield Fly Shop for more information

Across all of New England, the last two weeks of May featured more of the same in regards to weather – cloudy, wet, and cold. Water temperatures in the Rangeley area struggled to rise out of the 40’s and hatches were sparse. Most rivers ran high enough to be unfishable. We even had a frost on June 1.

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My daughter, Mary's handprint melts the solid frost on the picnic table at Kennebago early June 1st morning

My daughter, Mary’s handprint melts the solid frost on the picnic table at Kennebago early June 1st morning.

The best fishing was where trout and salmon were still chasing smelt, or feeding on sucker spawn. The lower Mags and Camp 10 Bridge fished fine after the flow went down, as did small ponds where the water warmed more quickly.

Not a great photo because we wanted to put the fish back in the water quickly, but Wilderness Press editor of all of my books, Josh holds a 19 inch very fat brookie, caught on sucker spawn.

Not a great photo because we wanted to put the fish back in the water quickly, but Wilderness Press editor of all of my books, Josh holds a 19 inch very fat brookie, caught on sucker spawn.

On a small trib of Kennebago lake, we found good trout still on the lookout for smelt. This fish took a smelt version of the Cosohammer Streamer.

On a small trib of Kennebago lake, we found good trout still on the lookout for smelt. This fish took a smelt version of the Cosohammer Streamer.

As we enter early June, things are picking up. Water temps have reached 50 and hatches are beginning in earnest, although we are at least two weeks behind. Leaves aren’t even out yet at Kennebago. With flows good and warmer temps forecast, fishing should improve. A few salmon are even being caught on the lower Kennebago River.I will give a further update next week.

Rangeley Ice-Out

Winter is slowly releasing its grip on the waters of the Maine mountains. Ice is almost out with much open water on Kennebago, Mooselock, Rangeley, and Moosehead Lakes. Roads are not completely passable with frost and water still imbedded in the roads, making it easy for vehicles to get stuck in the quicksand-like road surface.

Where snow drifted, parts of dirt roads are still covered with ice and snow. The back road from the Kennebago causeway to the backgate, for example, still had drifts over six feet high as of last Thursday.

Road to backgate at Kennebago Lake on May 8th

Road to back gate at Kennebago Lake on May 8th

This camp owner isn't getting down his driveway anytime soon.

This camp owner isn’t getting down his driveway anytime soon.

You can't tell from the photo but the snow is over six feet high.

You can’t tell from the photo but the snow is over six feet high.

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Ice holding on at Kennebago Lake.

Ice holding on at Kennebago Lake.


My new book, “In Pursuit of Trophy Brook Trout” is now available in more locations including, The Deerfield Fly Shop in Massaschusetts (www.deerfieldflyshop.com). The Orvis Flagship store in Manchester Vermont – by the end of next week (https://stores.orvis.com/us/vermont/Manchester) https://stores.orvis.com/us/vermont/manchester,, and Northshire Book Store in Manchester as well. (www.northshire.com )Still available at Evening Sun fly shop (www.eveningsunflyshop).



The opening month of fishing season: Fishing Report

It has been a cold and rainy April.  But day after day of fog and drizzle and above freezing temperatures at night melted the snow quickly, even in the high country where snow was head high. Over the last week or so, ice has gone out in much of New England, although the ice is still quite solid in northern Maine and the mountains.

Stocking in Maine has been late this year with only a few locations stocked, although stocking has continued normally in the rest of New England. States try not to stock in rivers and streams when the water temperatures are below 45 degrees because the newly stocked fish tend to move downstream looking for warmer water. Rivers range from bankfull to “into the trees” because of the rain and melted snow.

I got out fishing even though I was fishing to stocked fish.. The Exeter River in New Hampshire is a small, beautiful stream and it was fun pulling brook trout out from under logs and in tiny side currents. The Merriland River in Wells is another pretty stream running over rocky ledges and through mature forest without any development (at least in the part I fish.} I also briefly fished the Saco River where it hits brackish water just downstream from Kennebunk. Interestingly enough, a gentlemen streamside told me that fishing slowed down in April while the snow was melting, but in January, February, and March, a number of anglers enjoyed consistent fishing for  searun browns and brookies. I will have to try this next winter.

The first trout of the year is noteworthy even if it is a stocker

The first trout of the year is noteworthy even if it is a stocker

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A foam eddy at the base of a small falls on the Merriland River. I always look for noses poking through the foam.

A foam eddy at the base of a small falls on the Merriland River. I always look for noses poking through the foam.

For those of you looking for my new book, “In Pursuit of Trophy Brook Trout”, they can be found in the following locations: In Massachusetts, The Evening Sun Fly Shop; In New Hampshire, Kittery Trading Post and North Country Fly Shop; In Maine, Royal River Book Store, Rangeley Sport Shop, Matagamon Campground

Reminder….follow me on Instagram @mainelyflyfishing

Lake Erie Tribs Steelhead Fishing

My family and I couldn’t wait for the snow to melt and ice to thaw in Maine so we took a quick trip to upstate New York to go Steelhead fishing over the first weekend in April. I drove in the car with the gear and my wife (Lindsey), daughter (Mary) and her boyfriend (Will Folsum) took cheap flights from Portland to Buffalo ($ 150 round trip!)

The weather was cold and miserable on Friday, the first day (35 degrees, windy, with rain showers) warming to the 60’s by Sunday. The key to fishing these small tribs is that they don’t get rain or melting snow, since they rise and discolor rapidly, making the fishing extremely difficult. The Friday rain discolored the streams slightly but they remained fishable. Most of the fishing is a nymphing proposition with small egg patterns although my wife caught a beautiful steelie on, what else, a Cosohammer streamer that yours truly tied.

The fishing was done on small Lake Erie tributaries between Buffalo and the New York/Pennsylvania border. I won’t give the names except to say that the names begin with C or a number, which won’t help you much since the names of almost every river in western New York fits that description.

Anyway, since a photo is worth a thousand words (and a video even better), enjoy the following visuals. Remember to follow me on Instagram @mainelyflyfishing.

My daughter, Mary, with the best steelhead of the trip

My daughter, Mary, with the best steelhead of the trip

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My wife, Lindsey, with a beautiful steelie caught on a Cosohammer Streamer tied by yours truly.

My wife, Lindsey, with a beautiful steelie caught on a Cosohammer Streamer tied by yours truly.

Classic small Lake Erie trib filled with large steelhead in the early spring

Classic small Lake Erie trib filled with large steelhead in the early spring

Releasing a recently spawned female steelhead.

Releasing a recently spawned female steelhead.

The end of a beautiful weekend on the river.

The end of a beautiful weekend on the river.

If you are interested in this kind of fishing, go to Reelactionfly.com and hire them to guide you either in fall and spring.

If you want to know what locations are now selling my new book….

In Massachusetts, Evening Sun Fly Shop. In New Hampshire, North Country Angler. In Maine, Royal River Book Store in Yarmouth, Rangeley Sport Shop, Trident Fly Fishing in Windham, Mattagamon Camp Ground on the East Branch of the Penobscot. More to Come…


April Fools Day Leads to April Thaw

On April fools Day, only fools were fishing. Strong winds and temps in the teens in the Rangeley area made any outdoor excursion seem like midwinter. I went up to Kennebago Lake on the last few days of March to check on my camp and the snow was still four feet deep with drifts on the causeway road up to fifteen feet high. Great snowshoeing and xcountry skiing but it seemed a long way to fishing season, although open water was beginning to show where there was significant current.


I am standing on top of 15 foot snow drift. I could have touched the power lines

I am standing on top of 15 foot snow drift. I could have touched the power lines

I am standing above the famour Thomas Logan Pool on the Upper Kennebago River. Only a sliver of water shows.

I am standing above the famour Thomas Logan Pool on the Upper Kennebago River. Only a sliver of water shows.

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The last weekend of March was the Maine Sportsman Show and there was quite a turn out. It was great to chat with friends, other people in the industry, and loyal readers of my books. I got to meet new anglers and my presentations each day on :”10 Best Flies for Trophy Brook Trout” allowed me to meet more folks. I particularly enjoy chatting with folks that are new to the sport and eager to learn.

I also get to talk to Senator Angus King (I have known him for some time), the new Commissioner of the State of Maine Fish and Wildlife Department, Judy Camuso, and Governor Janet Mills – an avid fly angler herself.

A reminder: I am now posting to Instagram almost everyday with some fun fly-fishing related  photos. Follow me on Instagram@mainelyflyfishing.com. If you are not on Instagram, I suggest you download the free app. It is an easy way to enjoy great videos and photos of your favorite topics and I find it quicker and easier than Facebook. Give it a try.