Welcome to the Mainely Flyfishing website, your source for guiding, instruction, fly fishing information, books, videos, and more. My name is Lou Zambello and I am a guide, instructor, writer, speaker, and columnist. Please explore this site or email me to learn more.

Fishing Season Begins: Fly-Fishing Report

Hello Everyone,

It has obviously been a long time since I have posted. As I am sure most of you have been doing, I have prioritized learning and understanding what has been going on with COVID – 19. After that, I focused on ensuring my extended family was safely situated, my wife and I were stocked with what we needed, and our financial affairs were in order – given the turbulence of the financial markets.

Now it is a waiting game, and since many of us are cooped up at home worried about what the next month will look like, fly fishing is a great diversion – either reading and viewing stuff on line or actually going fishing! I will do my part to provide a diversion by posting as much content as I can over the next few weeks, so check back frequently.

Fishing Report

February and early March continued New England’s warmer-than-normal winter and in southern Maine, rivers and lake margins were free of ice by mid-March. The only snow remaining was in patches in the shade of conifers. The Maine mountains and northern Maine enjoyed winter weather much closer to normal with a few good snows, so a good snow pack remains with lakes and ponds still locked up tight.

This last week, the weather has turned much colder with nights in the mid teens even in southern Maine witha good snowstorm thrown in for good measure, This has delayed  ice-out on many water bodies, at least for a little while.

The governor of Maine, Janet Mills, a enthusiastic angler herself, opened up the fishing season one week early, and cooped-up kids, families, and unemployed folks found the nearest open water quickly. Near my home on the upper Presumpscot River, the popular stretches of nearby rivers and ponds looked like a scene from Memorial Day weekend. Of course, with the water temps in the high 30’s, few people connected with fish, but it didn’t really matter. My daughter’s boyfriend, Will, did take a kayak out on North Gorham Pond and landed a 16-inch landlocked salmon.

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @mainelyflyfishing

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Late February brought some serious melting

                                            Late February brought some serious melting

High March sun brings melting.

High March sun brings melting.

As the ice melts, it exposes dead fish and the Dundee Pond resident bald eagle finds dinner.

As the ice melts, it exposes dead fish and the Dundee Pond resident bald eagle finds dinner.

March 27th and cove ice is almost out.

                                            March 27th and cove ice is almost out.




Fly Fishing Videos

I am attempting to catch up with sharing some of my favorite video I took in 2019. Here are some links to click on or you can click on the tab titled videos at the top of this website.

Above two videos are from my trip to Chile with my wife, Lindsey. As usual she caught all of the big fish. The next few release videos are from a family flats fishing afternoon near Navarre, Florida and a family steelheading trip to a small stream in western upstate New York.
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January Fishing Report

Weather Report: It certainly has been a strange winter. Between fairly regular snowstorms has been mild temperatures with highs above freezing and well into the 40’s and even 50’s in southern and central Maine. Add in a few rainstorms and the snowpack is non-existent even in the mountains. In southern Maine, we have green grass with patches of ice and snow.

Lakes and ponds have frozen, melted, and refrozen several times and shorelines often are unfrozen because of heavy run-off, making it tricky for ice anglers, ice skaters, and snowmobilers.

Upcoming Presentations: This is the height of the fly-fishing event season and I am giving presentations a dozen times over the next few months. For a complete listing of where I will be appearing, click on the Speaking and Presentation tab at the top of this website. All events welcome visitors, so stop by and say hi and be entertained by my video and photography.

Florida Trip: I did escape to Florida to visit my daughter, Erika, and new grandson, Noah. They just bought a new house on a small lake and have a small kayak, so I had to explore with my fly rod to see what might be swimming around.also bowfin

Does anyone recognize the species of fish I caught? It is a Bowfin what took a white (with blue highlights) CoSoHammer (conehead marabou soft-hackle) streamer. These fish have huge mouths, you can hardly see the white CoSoHammer streamer he took.


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I also caught some big crappie up to 14 inches long on small black leech patterns and even panfish poppers.

florida bassOf course, a Florida lake fishing excursion wouldn’t be complete with landing a few big largemouth bass on surface flies.

A few days later, my son-in-law, Brian, landed a Bowfin of his own.

Visit me on other media – Instagram @mainelyflyfishing, YouTube at my channel Lou Mainelyflyfilshing or click on the videos tab at the top of this website..

Fly Fishing Shows

It is fly-fishing show season and I am presenting and signing books at a bunch of them. Check my presentation tab on my website for the latest information of where I am appearing. The public is typically welcomed at all Trout Unlimited meetings.

The Fly Fishing Show is in Marlborough, Massachusetts on January 17, 18, 19. On Friday at 2, I will be in the Author’s booth signing books. At 3 I will be giving a presentation highlighting aspects of my 2019 book – In Pursuit of Trophy Brook Trout. I have some great new videos I have incorporated into this presentation. On Saturday, I will be presenting the same presentation at 2, and then on Sunday at noon. For more information see www.flyfishingshow.com
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The Fly Fishing Show moves to Edison New Jersey on January 24, 25, and 26th. I will be presenting and signing books on just the Friday and Saturday. See www.flyfishing show.com for specific times and locations.

December Fishing Report and other 2019 highlights

The weather stayed cold in early December and ponds and lakes continued the freezing process, although  warmer temperatures and heavy rain in the middle of the month opened up some water again.

The Rangeley area has several feet of snow on the ground in places and lakes were locked up tight with ice.

The upper Presumpscot River continued to fish well in early December even with the colder water. I heard from anglers using flies discussed in my books that they were working well including the Cosohammer streamer, brook trout egg patterns, and bright-bead nymphs. Fly fishers are cetainly fishing later in the year now. Everybody used to quit when deer season arrived, but now the anglers are still at it after deer season is over! The following video was taken December 7th – a nice brook trout caught nymphing.


Year in Review: As I think back about 2019, I am reminded that you never know what might happen while you are fishing. For instance, you never know what fish species you might land on a fly. Here are two of the more bizarre hook-ups of the year.
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Will Folsum with four foot eel he hooked and landed with a small Prince Nymph

Will Folsum with four -foot eel he hooked and landed with a small Prince Nymph while fishing the fast water at the head of Dundee Pond.

A large yellow perch that took a 4 inch leech pattern designed for big largemouth bass or even brown trout.

A large yellow perch that took a 4-inch leech pattern designed for big largemouth bass or perhaps brown trout.

Finally, I found someone who illuminated me on the bait blitz that I posted a video of as part of my November blog. Apparently, landlocked alewives exist in Sebago Lake and the young of the year still attempt to migrate downstream. During several big rain events in November, a number of them were washed over the Sebago Lake and North Gorham Pond dams and became trapped in Dundee Pond, where in the shallow water, they became easy pickin’s.

Let me wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year with plenty of fly-fishing opportunities.


Xmas gifts

I have been sending out signed personalized books for the holidays but it is now too late for folks who want something to give for Xmas. However, it is not too late to pick up any of my three books signed (but not personalized obviously) at the following retail locations:

  1. Royal River Books, Yarmouth, ME.
  2. Rangeley Sport Shop, Rangeley, ME
  3. Shermans, Freeport, ME (not signed however)
  4. The Tackle Shop, Portland, ME (limited quantities)
  5. Evening Sun Fly Shop, Pepperell, MA.
  6. North Country Angler, North Conway, NH
  7. LLCote’s, Errol, NH.

The major outdoor retailers in New England (LLBean, Cabela’s Bass Pro, Kettery Trading Post, etc.  have my Flyfisher’s Guide to New England book but not signed.
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In other news…I am filling out my talks/presentation schedule. In January, I will be presenting at the Marlborough Fly Fishing Show on January 17,18,19. Please check the schedule for times. The Presentation in the brochure is entitled, ” Tactics from Around the World to Help You Catch NE Trophy Trout” but it will also include where and when to find and catch trophy Brook Trout in New England.

I will also be presenting at the Edison New Jersey Show on Friday, Saturday only, on January 24 and 25.

Have a Happy Holiday Season and thank you for all of your support this year.

The shortest day of the year at winter house on Dundee Pond

The shortest day of the year at  my winter house on Dundee Pond


November Fishing Report

Winter arrived early this November, with overall temperatures dropping about 20 degrees suddenly early in the month and more or less staying put. Much of Maine got snow, and in the colder parts of the state it has remained and deepened with several small snowstorms. It made the deer hunting in the Rangeley area very productive since it made tracking easy.


Fishing stayed fairly consistent even with the colder weather because it took water temps a while to cool down. For example, fishing was outstanding in the upper Presumpscot River section near Route 35. Unfortunately, many anglers discovered that fact and it got amazingly crowded.

Toward the end of the month, water temps dropped significantly and ice started forming on the edges of small ponds. During several mornings on Dundee Pond, I observed from my office window, some sort of “bait blitz”. A flock of herring gulls started circling and diving, accompanied by dozens of mergansers (both common and hooded) also diving and chasing what I assume were schools of small fish. Great blue herons, kingfishers, and two bald eagles joined in the fray. The scene reminded me of stripers pounding bait on the surface of the Kennebec River.

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As the cold weather settled in, I escaped Maine for the warmer climes of Florida and California to visit my kids and other relatives. Shockingly, I found time to do a little fishing. I caught largemouth bass on a lake my daughter now lives on in Tallahassee – on a dragonfly pattern. It might be the first fish I have ever caught on that fly type, even though I always carry a few and fish them from time to time.

In California, my son and I floated the lower Sac for steelhead (and resident rainbows) and hiked the headwaters of rivers in the San Francisco Bay area, catching small rainbows with steelhead genetics in water you could jump across without getting your feet wet.

Fat Sac River steelhead

Fat Sac River steelhead

Typical healthy Sac river rainbow

Typical healthy Sac River resident rainbow

Small rainbows with steelhead genes can still be caught in the headwaters around Oakland, California

Small rainbows with steelhead genes can still be caught in the headwaters around Oakland, California

October Fishing Review

The timeliness of my  blog has certainly escaped me recently. If I don’t do better, I will have to call it a b-late-og instead of a blog. This post will cover October with another post about November posted soon.

October featured seasonal weather but night time temperatures rarely fell below freezing even in the mountains, with a number of calm sunny days in the 60’s. The growing season continued with gardeners avoiding frost in many parts of Maine. My garden as well as my family’s gardens had late maturing squash, leeks, carrots, beets, and tomatoes, and all continued to grow and ripen before winter weather arrived. My reseeded lawn went from dying, brown crabgrass to lush green fairway-quality grass.

Fall colors on the edge of Dundee Pond

Fall colors on the edge of Dundee Pond

I explored some new access trails to the Presumpscot River and discovered surviving trees and vines from an overgrown area that was obviously once a farm. I came home with a different type of catch – yellow delicious apples and concord grapes – that soon became grape jam and apple pie. Yum!

Unexpected harvest of wild golden delicious apples and concord grapes.

Unexpected harvest of wild golden delicious apples and concord grapes.

We finally got much needed rain in big bursts. My rain gauge in Windham showed a 5- inch storm, followed by 3 and then a 1- inch event. The ground was so dry, it absorbed much of the precipitation so rivers and streams only rose moderately. I wish we could have received some of this rain in August and September.

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Rivers that remained open, with dam-controlled flow such as Upper Dam and the Kennebec provided great fishing. Rivers such as the Rangeley River suffered from low flows and even lower lake levels. Southern Maine rivers stocked in the fall such as the Presumpscot, Royal, and Pleasant River (most now within 10 minutes of  my winter home) provided immediate action with perfect water temperatures and flows. Here is a video of an upper Presumpscot male brook trout.

In other news, I did finally make a full recovery from Lyme Disease. I also received a new shipment of all three of my books so I have books available for those looking for Xmas presents signed by the author.

End of Official Fishing Season

September 30 marks the end of the official fishing season, although of course many, many waters remain open throughout New England. For me, the end of the season marked my diagnosis with Lyme Disease! What fun. Now I know what it will feel like when I am 90 years old (if I get there). September was so busy that I wrote the minimum for this blog so I have much to catch you up on over the next several blog posts.

Let’s talk about the end of the season first. I am afraid it ended with a whimper instead of a bang with waters still low throughout most of the state. Some larger fish moved but it certainly wasn’t a bonanza, and where trout and salmon staged, plenty of anglers were there. Fall foliage was breathtaking under bright blue skies for several days and it was great to be out, even if the angling could be difficult. I caught some nice fish this fall but I feel like I earned every one.

Blazing maples on the West kennebago Mountain Ridge

Blazing maples on the West Kennebago Mountain Ridge

The Little Kennebago River

The Little Kennebago River

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Sun peeking through bright yellow leaves on the Lower Kennebago River

Sun peeking through bright yellow leaves on the Lower Kennebago River


Another summer and fall without significant rain, left lakeside docks high and dry, and rivers low. More soon…

Late September Fishing Report

With one week to go before the traditional fishing season ends, larger pre-spawn fish are finally moving. Some welcome rain and the shorter days have caused fresh fish to start their migrations. For example, anglers fishing all parts of the Kennebago River are reporting new (easier to catch and energetic) fish and good success rates. In pulmonary fibrosis, the retinoic acid lowered lung fibroblast collagen buy cialis australia expression, inhibition of fibrosis, the development. In the event that you have been sexually idle for some time, then you may need to attempt a couple times before cialis online Suhagra will work for all men. Regular over at this pharmacy store buy cialis online intake of Spermac capsule improves ejaculatory force and climax intensity. Erectile dysfunction is cialis viagra generico caused due to insufficient blood supply to the penile organ. All of the rivers in western, northern, and central Maine that host prespawn salmonids are reporting a significant uptick in the fishing. Southern Maine, (Sebago Lake and down) has not received the same rain and mid-80’s weather so I have not received any positive reports yet.