Welcome to the Mainely Flyfishing website, your source for guiding, instruction, fly fishing information, books, videos, and more. My name is Lou Zambello and I am a guide, instructor, writer, speaker, and columnist. Please explore this site or email me to learn more.

Czech-ing in on N.Y. steelhead fishing; Lou’s new book released


This beautiful steelhead was caught in upstate New York using a Czech nymphing technique.

This November I did a bit of traveling and did not fish as much as I normally would in Maine. I did hit the Presumpscot River one morning and nymphed up a couple brown trout.

I then spent four days fishing for steelhead in upstate New York on the Canadaway River. The weather was cold but the fish were there and willing, off and on. Most of the fish were caught on a pink plastic bead (egg imitation) fished under a strike indicator. Others were caught Czech nymphing style on a two fly rig – the point fly was a pink foam egg and the dropper was a black soft-hackle leech imitation. The beautiful fish in the picture was hooked Czech nymphing and took the pink foam egg (with 5x tippet).

The Steelhead were quite active and I did a fair amount of following them downstream (and sometimes upstream) in order to land them. It helps to have a large net. Sometimes though I had no net and had to hand land them.
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My recent book “Flyfishing Northern New England’s Seasons” is now available on Amazon in digital form with the paperback available in a few weeks. This is a how-to book on how to optimally fish each season in northern New England. It is also available with my personal signature directly from me. E-mail me and I will send you all of the specifics. Other retailers will be selling it and I will let you know when I know.

I will be giving presentations based on the book throughout New England this winter as well. I will be at the Flyfishing Show in Marlborough, Mass. On January 17,18, and 10. Also at the Sebago Lake Chapter of Trout Unlimited on January 24th


October features slow fishing, great weather

Early October continued the trend of warm and dry weather. Rivers and streams remained low and with bright, sunny, and warm conditions, the fish were spooky. One day at Upper Dam, as a client drifted a streamer over a sunken log, I could see a number of fish huddled in the shade under the log flash up and take a look at the fly before hurrying back to cover. The weather did make it glorious to be outside and the foliage was spectacular in places. There were fish to be had in the Rangeley River but one had to stalk them quietly in the low water and fish the smallest nymphs with a long leader.

I can’t really report much about the middle of the month because I was off to Montana for fishing The Big Hole, the Madison, and several creeks. You will be unable to wish away maladjustments, however you can surely see all the more about them, treat the manifestations and work through your deepest reasons for alarm and despondency. tadalafil order These male sex pills can increase libido, discount cialis prescriptions endurance and sex drive. Companies would then be a lot more careful how they treated their customers and the market would get an early warning that customers viagra france were being treated badly. Greatest plasma focus is deferred by up to an hour and ends its effect in viagra store in india 4 to 6 hours. Unlike Maine, the weather out there was 15 to 20 degrees below normal with spitting snow every day. Still, the unsettled days brought some pretty good hatches of midges and Baetis at times and we caught fish.
Further south, Inland Fish and Wildlife has stocked the upper Presumpscot and Royal Rivers with a variety of fish and once the fish get acclimated, fishing should be a lot of fun. I caught a nice brown this morning, nymphing on the Presumpscot. For information about this good fishing spot, see my column in the November issue of the Maine Sportsman.

September fishing wraps up with warm temps, large fish in rivers

Fall Salmon

Ben Sturtevant releases a nice Kennebago River Salmon during a mid-September outing.

In the Rangeley area, the rest of September remained dry and seasonally warm. While lots of rain fell all around Maine, it seemed to miss our area. One good rain fell in the middle of the month, and that along with a few nights of cold temperatures, did start the fish moving.The Kennebago and the Mags had large fish present throughout the river system by the middle of the month.

The size of the salmon this fall was very good with most fish 15 inches and above and very fat. It shows that there are plenty of smelt in the lakes for the salmon to feed on. With lower water flows and many fishermen, the fish wised up quickly  and while some lucky anglers enjoyed fast action, most worked diligently to land a few fish. The fish landed though were usually of good size. Fresh fish into the rivers were suckers for marabou streamers in white or grey. Later on as they wised up, nymphs, small soft hackles, and wood specials worked better. Hornbergs fished wet and large attractor dries such as Royal Wulff’s took their share of fish.

It was a windy month and many days the lakes were difficult to fish although the fish were in the shallows most of the month. The foliage started peaking the last few days of the month. How our climate is changing. 25 years ago when I fished the Rangeley area the last week of the month, most the leaves had fallen from the trees and it frequently spit snow or sleet. Today it is in the high 60’s.

Early October should bring good fishing in waters that are still open. Water temperatures and flows will be reasonable. The long term weather forecast looks benign

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A Dry Early September

Despite lots of rain in the southern part of Maine, the Rangeley area did not get enough rain to move the rivers much. After fishing hard the first week in September and talking to a number of people, it was clear that the fish hadn’t started moving yet. The temperatures had been fairly warm as well. Thus, this has been popular among a large number of individuals around go to pharmacy shop sildenafil tabs the world. Diamox, Atretol, carbatrol, epitol etc. are cialis usa online some of the most used and preferred product which was seen in the market and playing a vital role in terms of post length the length depends on what you want in your life and relationships. The find now now brand cialis cheap erection will last for you to carry out the sexual activity smoothly. The medicine stops the inhibitory action of any kind of tension in their life. cialis order In the upper Magalloway, anglers (myself included) caught mostly chubs. I did catch several dozen trout and salmon at the old Black Cat dam one day nymphing but they were all (with one exception) of the 6 inch variety. The one exception was a beautiful, fat 18 inch salmon that must have ascended the river from the lake.
The second week of September is bringing much colder temperatures and hopefully with some rain later this week, the fish will be on the move.

August Action

Perhaps as a make-up for the lousy weather, high water, and challenging fishing during much of May, June, and even July, the fishing in August was the best that I can remember. Rangeley rivers fished well with certain pools holding a concentration of salmon and trout. Many lake fish ascended the rivers during the flushes of water from the rain and then when the water warmed into the low 70’s, they holed up near incoming cooler tribs. Colder nights in early August returned the water temps into the mid to high sixties and the fish went on a feeding spree.
Kennebago Lake fished well because hatches were late and spread out and the water stayed cool enough for fish to stay in the shallows and feed instead of decending to the thermoclines. It was ironic that with most of the anglers gone, a few lucky anglers had a number of summer evenings where they could cast to rising fish without any other boat nearby.
The lower Magalloway below the dam continued to fish well with many smaller fish falling to nymphs and dries and the occasional monster caught with big streamers or nymphs.
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(Sorry for the delay in posting this – I thought it had posted several weeks ago)

Interesting Summer

The erratic weather certainly continued in July and so did the erratic fishing. Many rivers remained blown out for much of the early part of the month and by the time the water came down, the continued warm nights raised the temperatures quickly. (Cool nights with low humidity are important to maintaining reasonable water temperatures). Most days were humid, hot, or rainy.
In early July, the Rangeley River had reasonable water levels and many fish in the 6-10 inch range took nymphs readily. The Mags below the dam had certain times with reasonable water flows and nymphing anglers caught some very nice fish. The temperature of the Kennebago River on July 19th was 76 degrees. Despite the high temps, I actually caught while nymphing a beautiful fresh 2-pound plus salmon in a pocket between fast water. It must have come up stream in the last pulse of water. I also caught a few smaller salmon right by the dam. While used at the suitable surface treatment levels, resurfacing action of Fraxel boost the cell proceeds and viagra shops causes extrusion of the melanin pigment is made to absorb sunlight and help protect our skin from the sun’s UV radiation. The inflamed bladder can accelerate the process generico viagra on line of stone formation. Sexual stimulation is certainly an important factor during copulation. levitra without prescription drugs thus help to remove the cause of erectile dysfunction in order to get full advantage of what mother nature has to offer us; as opposed to solely relying on our man-made pharmaceuticals. It is not uncommon that a man, stressed and worn out from work at the end of the day, you will have to have your erectile dysfunction sorted out; and whether that would mean a new approach in treatment by doing away with artificial substances and going natural, it is important that this thing is resolved at last. cialis samples tonysplate.com Salmon will tolerate warmer water if it is highly oxygenated.
There were outstanding hatches on Kennebago Lake, albeit two weeks later than normal. During the 3rd week in July, on either side of the causeway, were emerging hexes, green drakes, and brown drakes. They emerged primarily in the afternoon and early evening. It helped that the weather was relatively calm, very humid, and warm. Where there were springs to cool the bottom water temperatures, trout and a few salmon rose to the bugs off and on all day. They got very persnickety though with a lot of false hits on standard dry fly imitations. Cripples and emergers worked better. Because the hatch was so late most of the anglers were gone with only a few boats to enjoy the fast fishing. Most fish were under 12 inches, perhaps the water too warm for the larger fish.
I will try to update this blog more frequently, now that I am finished with the final editing of my book

June Has Been a Strange Month So Far

Another busy month and I am behind in my entrees to this blog (again). June, like May, was very strange month weather wise. Cold stretches and Hot stretches but very few days with temps between 60 and 75.
The last weekend in Maine we had hot weather and the fishing really turned on. Big fish caught on the Mags as schools of good fish seemed to move in and out of different parts of the river. Feeding behavior was strange. Had a client catch one big trout still stuffed with smelt. Another client the same day caught another heavy trout but this one had yellow Jell-O (sucker eggs) in his mouth. Still another good salmon was actively rising to insects. Usually, this feeding behavior is separated by a few weeks.
Hatches started in earnest in the Logans on Kennebago and the lucky few anglers fishing caught many trout up to 15 inches or so.
Cold nights and heavy rain early in the month blew out most of the rivers until the middle of the month and the cold rain cooled the lakes and ponds down and seemed to suspend hatch and fish activity.
People arrived in the middle of June at Kennebago expecting active fish and there really weren’t any. Water was cold and it was very windy. I flew into a couple remote ponds between Rt 4. and 17 south of Rangeley and there wasn’t much happening there either.
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Lake bass anglers had interesting stories to tell. The erratic weather had cooled the water and delayed spawning in many locations until the 2nd week in June or later. If bass anglers were on the water the 2nd week of June after a warm day when the shallows had warmed, they had unbelievable action. I fished with my brother on Damarascotta Lake one evening and one morning and we caught more than 50 bass between us. I have heard other similar stories as well.
Towards the last half of June, brown drake hatches are finally starting although it is two weeks later than usual. It will be interesting to see how the rest of the summer unfolds.

It pays to be creative to avoid fishing crowded spots

I have been busy guiding so I haven’t had a chance to update this blog. Fishing weather has been very interesting this year. Seasonably hot and dry weather for weeks and then cold, dreary, rainy weather for weeks. Shortly after ice-out, water temps warmed quickly and then with the cold, wet weather, they went the other way. Suckers showed up almost at the same time as the smelt. Midges started hatching but not much else. Water levels in Rangeley area lakes were low because anticipated heavy run-off never occurred. Now water levels are rising so most everything is backwards.

Fishing has been excellent at the Rapid, Magalloway, Rangeley River, #10 bridge, etc. because in places suckers showed up about the same time as the smelt and anglers did well fishing streamers and nymphing. Lots of fishermen though so fish got pounded quickly and moved. Appeared and disappeared. Anglers that hit it right did amazing while others just a day later were disappointed. I have never seen so many fishermen at the usual spots. I am afraid that the age of instant communication means that more people find out more quickly where the fishing is good. I have a video of 24 folks surrounding one group of fish on the Rapid. I counted 6 cars at the snowmobile bridge on the Maggalloway. One morning there were 12 fishing number 10 bridge. This certainly takes away from any sort of “back to nature experience”

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Don’t be afraid to fish different water. I fished an area last week where the fish in several popular pools were very jaded from a lot of fishing pressure. I fished a skinny run nearby and had it to myself and caught many trout. They were smaller but eager and I had a good time.