Welcome to the Mainely Flyfishing website, your source for guiding, instruction, fly fishing information, books, videos, and more. My name is Lou Zambello and I am a guide, instructor, writer, speaker, and columnist. Please explore this site or email me to learn more.

The Westfield River

I recently had the privilege of fishing the Westfield River with friends. Below is a video of our excursion, including Again, you can choose any dosage as these medicines are handsomely placed in pharmacy shelves waiting for the customer to come to them instead of the illness itself, are also likely factors for nighttime sweats. soft tab cialis The medicament is tried plus accepted by all off regencygrandenursing.com viagra ordination general practitioners, located in several parts of the globe. Issues getting or keeping an erection might be less full Time it takes to reach orgasm might enhance Orgasms might be less intense Recovery (time needed before another penile erection session can be tadalafil buy achieved) after having orgasm may take longer time. When you learn canadian pharmacy for viagra regencygrandenursing.com to use your chest cavity as your primary sounding board, you will not only discover a better-sounding voice but you will also immediately lessen the discomfort on your throat and voice box. the beautiful rainbow trout caught by Charlie Shadan.

Is It Summer Yet?

 The above photo is Height of Land overlooking Mooselookmeguntic Lake after a thunderstorm passed by. My next book, “Flyfishers Guide to Northern New England” is in the final editing phase. I have been doing a lot of photography for the book. I will sprinkle some of my favorite photographs from the last month or so throughout this post. Coming soon, I will post my favorite videos of my summer fishing trips as well.

I apologize to anyone trying to get on this site recently. It was down because of a number of virus-corrupted files that have since been removed.

As we head towards the middle of August, we really haven’t had any hot weather this summer, north of Massachusetts. Yesterday, August 9th, the temperature of the Kennebago River several miles below the dam was 61 degrees. Even the very surface of the lake barely reaches 70. The salmon and trout have remained active all summer and the spawning run may begin soon if we get a good dose of rain. Anglers are raising good salmon in the river and there are still sporadic Hex hatches and other size 14 brown mayflies (and their spinner falls) on the lake that bring trout up to the surface right at dusk.

I spend a great day guiding in mid-July on the Dartmouth Grant with the Hyde family and friends and took a photo of this hillside covered with naturalized foxglove flowers.

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My fall schedule is already filling up. The first week in September and last week is mainly going to be taken up by participating in a National Geographic project on the East Branch of the Penobscot. The 2nd and 3rd weeks are almost all booked with guiding clients.

I will try to update my blog more often in the next few months. No one has guessed correctly yet the location of the photos in my previous blog post.

My last photo is a rare rose-colored sunset on Kennebago Lake taken just a few days ago.

Fly Fishing Spot Contest

As I have traveled across New England investigating new fishing spots (at least to me) for my next book, I have discovered some gems. I will be posting a few on this blog but will also do a few contests. Can you identify the river in these photographs? Extra credit if you can identify any of the individuals in the photo. You need good stamina that is a part of the syllabus cialis 40 mg of the online drivers ed courses. It was patented in the year 1996, and in 1998 it became http://twomeyautoworks.com/item-2043 cheapest levitra available for the use of impotent males. There are several online suppliers available that provide information order cialis about the medical tourism abroad, but finding accurate information is important because health issues are vital. Inflammation is also thought to play a role in this buy viagra samples case. First person emailing me the correct answer will be sent a few handtied soft hackle streamers tied by yours truly. Email you answers at Lou@mainelyflyfishing.com.

June rain leads to good July fishing

I can’t believe how the month of June flew by. Guiding, more exploration of Vermont fisheries, smallmouth bass fishing on Damariscotta Lake, Striper fishing in New Hampshire, and before you know it we are into July.

June was a cool and very wet month for much of New England. I had to cancel two scheduled classes that were supposed to take place in northern Vermont and on the Andro because all of the rivers were blown out. The Rangeley Rivers were very high and not fishable off and on all month. On the positive side, the waters have stayed cool and fishing continues to be good. The Rangeley River fished well thru June – and remains one of my favorite nymphing rivers.

The Kennebago Lake brown drake hatch occurred the last week of June and those that were on the lake enjoyed tremendous action from salmon and trout. A few trout approaching 20 inches – quite a treat on a dry fly No sign of any green drakes or hexes yet.

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The photo is my wife catching a nice trout during the evening rise on Kennebago Lake.

Hatches starting in earnest

May was a strange month in the northeast. In several states  (like Massachusetts) until the last day of the month it was going to be one of the driest months on record. In southern New England it was also one of the warmest May’s on record. Yet in Maine and northern New England it was very cold. Most of the hatch activity was late.

Fortunately, welcome rain arrived the last day of the month. I was getting concerned about real drought and the quick end to fishing season in many areas. Some streams were running at mid-summer levels. Continued rain has improved the situation considerably and early June has been cold. In Rangeley we had a number of mornings in the lower 30’s with frost in some areas and afternoon highs in only the lower 40’s

In the Rangeley area, early insects such as small black stoneflies, march browns, and even a few sulphers emerge during warm afternoons. The small tan caddis are emerging in droves on Kennebago. The lake is active with some good fish but no one is catching salmon on the river as of two days ago.
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Two days ago I guided Rita, a 72 year old woman who had never fly fished. She was a very enthusiastic student but as of 8:30 had not landed a fish without help – casting, hooking, and landing by herself. On just about the last cast, she cast, hooked, landed and  released a twelve inch brook trout on a dry fly. Victory!

This has been a different spring for me because I have been traveling extensively to attend my daughter’s graduation and then her wedding, and also researching my next book. I have fished some new and very interesting water. I will share some of my learnings and photos periodically. This week I am going to Damariscotta for some smallmouth bass fishing and then on to fish northern Vermont for the weekend. Next week I will be back to Kennebago to guide for a lot of the week.

Ice-out finally and other news

Ice-out is official. For all practical purposes, ice was almost all gone on Rangeley, Mooselookmeguntic, and Kennebago on May 6th or 7th.

I was guiding on Wednesday and didn’t see too many signs of smelt however. Water temps were below 40 on the Rangeley River in the morning but with air temps approaching 80 degrees in the afternoon, water temps were 43 on the Rangeley and Magalloway Rivers by afternoon. By the time you are reading this, I am sure the fishing has picked up.

Everyone anticipated potential flooding from the snowmelt but with little rain falling in the last two months, it didn’t happen. Now with the lakes low, dam operators are trying to refill them and some river levels are low. It is hard to believe given the amount of snow that we had. Mooselookmeguntic Lake is at least four feet low, but maybe this is intentional due to the Upper Dam work being done. This will limit fishing opportunities on the Rangeley River if it stays at that level.

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Brian, owner of Pheasant Tail Tours (www.pheasanttailtours.com) and Harry, owner of Berkshire Rivers Fly Fishing (www.berkshireriversflyfishing.com) have introduced me to Massachusetts fly fishing. People from northern New England don’t think about going to Massachusetts to fish, but that is a mistake. Mass. rivers fish better early and late in the season then more northern climes and you can extend your season.

The Deerfield River is a great river to float for rainbows and browns, and the Hoosic and Housatonic Rivers are being rediscovered for their very nice brown trout fishing. There are other options as well and Brian and Harry can take you there on either wading or float trips. I have been enjoying my time fishing in Massachusetts – you don’t get a lot of chances at holdover brown trout or rainbows in Maine.

Last ice goes out on kennebago on May 6

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Ice -Out?

Hi Folks,

Sorry that it has been so long since my last blog post. It has been a very busy time with lots of fly fishing shows and presentations. The warm weather has finally arrived and so people are either watching the ice go out or waiting for it. A big windy rainstorm tomorrow will certainly break up a lot of ice and cause snow melt and flooding.

Last Friday as I traveled through Maine, I could see that the ice was beginning to open up in Lake Auburn and other area lakes around there. Up in the Rangeley area, every lake was locked up tight with fresh snow on top. I have been at Kennebago the last few days and it has been in the 60’s. Lots of snow melted but it is still thigh deep in places. Where there is moving water, like the Logans at Kennebago Lake, almost all of the ice is gone. It is hard to believe, given how thick the ice was just two weeks ago.
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Several weeks ago, I was thinking that ice-out would be the 2nd week of May in the Rangeley area, but now I have moved up my estimate to the 1st week of May, and I think it will be early in the week. The following are photos taken today by the causeway at Kennebago Lake (north of Rangeley) and one of my cross-country skiing.

In other news, check out the April edition of the Maine Sportsman for my latest fly fishing column that will appear every other month. In it I talk about fishing the smelt. Accompanying photos were left out and will appear in the May issue. I am still writing the biking column every month as well. Fish well and Fish often. Lou

Spring? Water appearing at the causeway over Kennebago but deep snow still in the woods

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Upcoming Speaking Engagements

The famous West Branch of the Penobscot

Here is a list of my upcoming speaking engagements. All of these are open to the public, in the case of Evening Sun Fly Shop presentation, call to let them know you are coming.

March 12: Hammonasset Chapter of Trout Unlimited, 540 Oregon Road, Meriden, Ct. at 7:00. This presentation is “How and Where to Catch Trophy Brook Trout”

March 22: Evening Sun Fly Shop, www.eveningsunflyshop.com for more information, 10:30 – 2:00. I will be leading a flytying class and presenting highlights from my book.
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March 27,28,29 at the Maine Sportsman Show at the Augusta Civic Center, check out their website for exact times. My presentation will be “How and Where to Catch Trophy Brook Trout”

April 11: Sebago Lake Trout Unlimited annual Banquet, from 4 to 4:20 presenting book highlights and signing books. Check Out their website for more information.

If you haven’t yet caught any of my presentations, here is your chance. Some of the photographs I use make you long for fishing season even more than you already are. I might use the one posted here as the cover of my next book. Melt snow, melt!