Welcome to the Mainely Flyfishing website, your source for guiding, instruction, fly fishing information, books, videos, and more. My name is Lou Zambello and I am a guide, instructor, writer, speaker, and columnist. Please explore this site or email me to learn more.

Mud Season?

Along the coastal plain of Northern New England, snow is melting and the landscape is more mud brown than white. This is not the case as you move inland and into the mountains where it is snowing today, adding to what is already a high and dense snowpack. If you look at webcams from places like Bosebuck Camps, it looks like midwinter. Future weather is always uncertain, but it looks like ice out is a long way away.IMG_0088 (2)

Kennebago Lake Ice Out on May 4 2018

Kennebago Lake Ice Out on May 4 2018

For those of you interested in running into yours truly, I will be selling books at the Sebago Lake Trout Unlimited Banquet tomorrow night .Then Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (March 29, 30, and April 1)  is the Maine Sportsman Show in Augusta. I will be at the Maine Sportsman Booth Friday night from 5-7 pm. I am giving presentations (and selling books) each day. My presentation each day is ” 12 Best Flies to Catch Trophy Brook Trout: The times are: Friday at 3:00 pm, Saturday at 1:00 and Sunday at 11:00.
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I have expanded my digital communication efforts and am now on Instagram@mainelyflyfishing. I will try to post an interesting video or photo on as many days as I can.

A reminder: I still need reviews of my new book on Amazon.

Late Winter Fishing Gear Inspection

This is the time of year when fly fishers begin to get serious about looking through their gear and flies and reminding themselves what they might need before the start of the official fly fishing season less than one month away. I have started this process myself and rediscovered a number of problems. You should hear me muttering to myself, “Oh Yeah, I broke the tip off my Winston 5 weight at the end of the year and need to get it repaired”, or ” I have given away or used all of my soft-hackle streamers, I have to get tying” and “I need to choose a net to replace the one that my wife let float away in September.”

With all of this in mind, I want to make you aware of some resources that you may not be aware of. For example:

Even though they have been in business for almost two years now, many of you are not aware of the All Points Fly Shop and Outfitter in South Portland, Maine (allpointsflyfishing.com). Josh and Paul’s business is a fly shop, but Josh (the owner) is also a guide and travel coordinator for world-wide fishing destinations. Josh’s philosophy is rather than try to carry every product from every manufacturer, or promote every guide, lodge, etc. that approaches him, he only chooses to carry the products that he believes are the best and adventure trips that he can personally vouch for.  No matter what you need, All Points can help.


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I am often asked, ” Lou, where can I find the soft-hackle streamers that you alwarys talk about?”  Go to SSFlies.com and you can order from them. Tell ’em that I sent you. Of course, on their website you can check out their extensive salt-water pattern selection along with other patterns. The quality of SSflies flies is quite high. I fished one of their soft-hackle streamer flies for an entire week, caught dozens of good fish, and the fly still looked acceptable at the end of it all.

Finally, if any of you purchase my new book and enjoy it, please write a review of the book at Amazon, it really helps me out. If you purchased the book from Amazon, all the better since Amazon prioritizes reviews from folks that bought the book from them. If you have never written a review before, it is quite a simple process – go to my book on Amazon, click on write a review and follow the simple process.


Brown Trout Look Very Different Depending on Where They Live

Brown Trout around the world can have very different appearances depending upon where you catch them. Part of the reason for this is that they are not native to the America’s and were stocked at some point in the distant past. They were stocked from different strains of brown trout from different parts of Europe including Germany and the UK. The other factor is that over time wild brown trout colors change to better match the river or lake environment in which they live. Each generation of brown trout becomes better camouflaged because the baby trout that can hide better survive to pass on their genes to future generations.

Here are photos of brown trout we caught in different locations in Chile. Notice the range of colors and the difference in spots. The brown trout from one river had bellies and bottom fins that were orange. Other fish in rivers with a light-colored muddy bottom were a washed out gray as well.

Lake fish has a bluish-silvery sheen

Lake fish has a bluish-silvery sheen

This brown is orange, particularly on his underside

This brown is orange, particularly on his underside

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A dense pattern of spots.

A dense pattern of spots.

A brown with very few spots

A brown with very few spots

This river fish is almost completely a washed out gray

This river fish is almost completely a washed out gray

Late Winter means Sportsmen’s (and Women’s) Shows

Coming up are two Shows that I will be giving presentations at and selling books:

On Saturday, March 16th the Western Maine Fly Fishing Expo returns to the Gould Academy Field House in Bethel Maine from 9am – 3 pm with more exhibitors, new seminars and presentations, and a casting area to test drive new rods. There will be guides, outfitters, sporting camps, authors, artists, equipment manufacturers, retailers, a silent auction, and a raffle.

On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, March 29th, March 30th, and April 1 is the Maine Sportsman Show in Augusta, Maine. see https://www.mainesportsman.com/sportsmans-show/ for more details. I will be at the Maine Sportsman Booth Friday afternoon from 4 pm on, and I am giving a presentation: 12 Best Flies for Trophy Brook Trout and How to Fish Them, each day. I don’t have the exact times yet.

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My New Book: In Pursuit of Trophy Brook Trout – The Ultimate Handbook of Tactics, Timing, and Territory is now available. You can order from me off my website. Just email me your address. You can send me a check at 35 Crystal Lane, Cumberland, Me. 04021 or can now pay with PayPal. Look for the tab and link on my site. You can also purchase from the Rangeley Sport Shop and Royal River Books in Yarmouth, Maine. As the books become more widely available, I will list other outlets.

New Year: Lots Going On

Happy New Year to my fly-fishing friends

It has been an insane two months. Lots to communicate and will have to break it into a number of posts.

First, I have just returned from three weeks in Chile. Plenty on that trip to follow in the next few months. Second, my 3rd book, ” In Pursuit of Trophy Brook Trout: The Ultimate Handbook of Tactics, Timing, and Territories is now out – sort of. Third, it is flyfishing show season. Let’s take these in reverse order.

I will be at the Marlborough Fly Fishing Show on the weekend of January 17,18,19. In the afternoon on each day, I will be at the author’s booth and giving a presentation at 4:00 with the title of “10 kiiler flies that catch trophy brook trout and landlocked salmon”. Hope to see you there. Sunday is a bit of a wildcard at this point because of the forecast for a major snowstorm.

I will also be giving presentations at the Great Bay Trout Unlimited meeting in Portsmouth, New Hampshire on Feb. 4 at 6 pm (Tactics for Catching Difficult and Pressured Fish) and Barre, Vermont at The Steakhouse at the invitation of the MadDog Trout Unlimited Chapter on the 7th at 6 pm (How, Where, and When to catch trophy native brook trout). Stop by, all TU chapters welcome guests.

As far as my new book is concerned. It is now available as a kindle book only on Amazon. Printed copies will be available in mid-February, first at Amazon and from myself, then a week or two later at fly shops and other outlets. Contact me if you would like a signed copy and I will sell direct to you. You get a signed copy and I enjoy a better profit on the sale of my book.IMG_0838 (2)

on line levitra pamelaannschoolofdance.com Some of the branded medicine companies are engaged in a sexual act. Besides this, women are unable to conceive and bear a child. brand cialis If you possibly get able to levitra 30mg discover the reason for erectile dysfunction if you have crossed the proverbial line, so to speak, by using classic Beatles’ music to pitch their products. Don t Be Too viagra free pills Wordy – Your audience is seeking an informational source that offers brief, well organized and insightful content. Now, back to Chile. I spent a week fly fishing at the Martin Pescador Lodges and other locations later on. My wife and I had to deal with challenging weather – pouring rain, cold, and wind, but caught fish regardless. We fished lakes, large roaring rivers in boats, small rivers in rafts, private ranch rivers by wading, and tiny spring creeks that I could jump over. As I get the time I will share a few of the thousands of photos and videos we took,

One technique that I had not fished much before was fishing a dry-fly dropper rig with huge flies. Big foam chenobyl-type dry flies and big rubber-legged girdle-bug type dragon-fly nymphs as a dropper on four feet of tippet. Big trout crushed these flies – especially the dropper, but occasionally thrashing the surface as they engulfed the dry.

The Chilean scenery can make it difficult to look down to follow your fly.

The Chilean scenery can make it difficult to look down to follow your fly.

This fish that my wife caught looks like a salmon but is in fact a freshwater rainbow caught in Lago Yelcho when it grabbed her rubber-legged girdle bug. She needed every bit of her 7-weight rod to land this fish

This fish that my wife caught looks like a salmon but is in fact a freshwater rainbow caught in Lago Yelcho when it grabbed her rubber-legged girdle bug. She needed every bit of her 7-weight rod to land this fish

Big browns also fell for the huge dry fly dropper combination

Big browns also fell for the huge dry fly dropper combination

More to come….

November is a Blast From the Past

The last few years, late October and early November have been unseasonally warm and fly fishers have enjoyed fishing waters still open and had reasonable success. Anglers fishing the Kennebec, Upper Presumpscot, and Lamprey Rivers, just to name a few, caught fish into December. This year, we are having a late fall that is blast from the past before global climate change warmed October and November – rain, snow, wind, and cold.

At Kennebago, we have had four snow storms in the last few weeks and the forecast for tomorrow night is for a low temperature slightly above zero F. To finish my camp chores, I have slipped and slid in the snow twice already. Recently, the lake hasn’t even frozen until after Xmas – this year it will be frozen this week.

I haven’t been fishing much because my new book deadline was this month and I have been working every spare minute finishing the details. Here is a tentative cover for it. I took it off my computer so terrible photo and you can ignore the bright candle shapes on the right side, but it will give you a sense of things.

IMG_0838 (2)

It also boosts blood supply to http://bananaleaf.com.ph/cialis3910.html discount cialis the reproductive organs causing erectile dysfunction. Doctors still advise the users to buy branded drugs like on line viagra , viagra. Exercise: It is vital to work buying generic cialis out at least 30 to 45 minutes prior to the person’s stimulation. cialis online What is porn addiction? Pornographic addiction can be defined as not being able to achieve or sustain an erection. I did sneak down to Florida last week for some saltwater fishing. We caught a few bull redfish and a variety of other smaller fish. While we were out on the gulf, dodging red tide (nasty stuff}, we noticed part of a roof floating on the surface. It was not doubt from Mexico Beach, just up the coast, that was devastated by the recent hurricane. A saltwater fish called a tripletail loves to hang out under topwater debris and we raced over because catching a good sized tripletail (they grow up to 40 pounds) is quite rare on a flyrod. We spotted a few hanging under the roof (and no dead bodies thank God). I caught one well short of 40 pounds (subtract a zero) on the fly rod and added a fish to my lifetime fly rod list. They fight hard, as you might expect from a fish that is a cross between a sunfish and smallmouth bass, but fatter and wider.

My first tripletail on a shrimp fly

My first tripletail on a shrimp fly

My son-in-law with good bull redfish

My son-in-law with good bull redfish


The End of the Official Season

First things first. A decision will be made October 10 whether to have a public hearing on the Middle Dam replacement that I described in an earlier blog post. For those of you who get alerts when I post, and read this today or tomorrow morning, please email Joshua.Brown@Maine.gov immediately to request a public hearing because you are concerned about limited future access to the famous Middle Dam pool.

The last week of the fishing season was hit or miss for most anglers. If you intercepted a school of fish fresh from a lake than you had fabulous fishing. If you didn’t and were fishing over a few stale, fished over trout and salmon, then fishing was slow. It didn’t seem to me that many fish came up Kennebago River even though the flow was good with good rains the last week. Good numbers of trout did migrate through Little Kennebago but didn’t seem to hold in the usual spots. The early July flood really changed current flows and shallowed up some of the deeper spots. I hope this is not a permanent change.

Once again, every year convinces me further we need to extend the season because of the warming of New England. As I write this on October 9th, I haven’t even had a frost yet at Kennebago – mosquitos are still flying around, and the temperature is in the 70’s

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Late September Update

With slightly less than a week to go in the official fishing season, fishing reports are inconsistent in the Rangeley area. Some anglers, intercepting a school of migrating trout and salmon fresh from a lake do exceptionally well. Others report fishing is very slow.

This is mostly due to the fact that once again the temperatures for the  first three weeks of September were warmer than normal, with few nights dropping down below 50 degrees. Lake temperatures were also warm so not many fish were moving. It really takes water temps to drop into the 50’s before migration commences. Also, rainfall was once again below normal. A flush of water will move fish too but September has brought about half the amount of usual rainfall.

The last few days have brought colder temps, even a frost, and we expect rain today so as has been usual the last few years, the fishing will probably go gangbusters the few days before the season closes.

My own fishing has reflected the general trend in September. I fished a number of days on the Maggalloway and Kennebago Rivers and caught very few decent fish – a salmon here, a salmon there. But then on two separate mornings before sun up, found a fresh school and caught a dozen incredible trout and salmon in just a few hours. It is tough to take good photos by yourself, in dim light, when big fish are still rising, and you don’t want to stress the fish, but here are a few marginally okay photos. The longish-looking trout was about 18 inches with a huge mouth.

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One weekend last week, my daughter and boyfriend were fishing on Kennebago Lake where a stream enters the lake (in less than two feet of water) and caught only small brookies until he landed an 18 incher. Like I said, no predictability.

Hopefully, you get to enjoy at least a day or two on the water before the season ends.

September Update

First, the bad news…. It seems that for the next five years Middle Dam on the Rapid River is going to be replaced. Here is the information:

On August 15, 2018, Brookfield Renewable Energy Partners (the owner of a number of Maine dams) filed an application with the Maine Land Use Planning Commission (LUPC) to rebuild Rapid River’s Middle Dam (the river’s start from Richardson Lake). Work is already underway by upgrading roads. Actual dam work will start in 2019 and not be completed until 2023 – five years later.

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This project is similar to the replacement of the famous Upper Dam (on
Mooselookmeguntic Lake) over the last five years. This is not good news for fly fishers. Those who fish Upper Dam know that during the replacement phase, changing water channels, loud noise from construction efforts, and having to evade construction vehicles really diminished the fishing experience. The completed Upper Dam has eliminated prime fishing spots on or near the dam, concentrating anglers at the tail of the pool and reducing angler capacity. The fear is that we are in for the same situation with Middle Dam.
The plans for Middle Dam completely change the current dam configuration, including
elimination of the three fishing piers. The dam proposal has a spot on the dam labeled “Fishing Platform”, but the actual area for anglers is small and may not allow effective flycasting. It is critical that anglers make their desires known to (1) minimize fishing disruption during construction (2) not uniformly riprap the entire pool, (3) to construct usable fishing platforms so that the finished dam doesn’t eliminate fishing opportunities at what is arguably one of the best trout and salmon fishing spots in all of Maine.
Interested fly-fishing groups and individuals wrote to LUPC during the month of August
requesting a hearing. For the lasts up to date information,contact Trout Unlimited, the Native Trout Coalition, Rangeley Heritage Trust, or Friends of Richardson Lake for the latest information and how best to get involved.
Fishing during the first ten days of September was slow. Water was still warm and river and stream flows were also modest due to lack of recent rain. As a result, the fish weren’t moving into rivers or feeding on the surface. In fact, fishing was so dead in the Rangeley area that it was like a chemical spill had killed all of the fish.
But recent cold nights and over an inch of rain last night are livening things up considerably. Salmon and trout are starting to be caught. I got a report that the upper Mags is getting hot.

Of course, being out fishing is always worth while even if the fish aren’t cooperating, Check out this sunset from a few nights ago over Little Kennebago Lake.

Sunset too beautiful to focus on the fly

Sunset too beautiful to focus on the fly


Finally, for those of you who are interested in reading more of my stuff, a reminder: I write a freshwater column  approximately every other month for the Maine Sportsman magazine/newspaper. Look for it in the September Issue available at news stands now, and also in November and December. I will also have several articles in upcoming issues of Eastern Fly Fishing Magazine.

The Mid-summer Doldrums

The weather up and down the entire east coast remained hot, humid, and rainy from mid-July to mid-August. While rivers had plenty of flow, water temperatures in rivers and right below the surface of most lakes was in the 70’s – just too warm for good trout fishing. People believe that it is the hot sunny days that heat up water temperatures, but a bigger impact is when nights are warm and humid and the water doesn’t cool from evaporation when the sun goes down.. Most of the nights in Maine during this time period stayed in the 70’ss with high humidity.

I didn’t do a lot of fishing because I hurt my back playing one-on-one basketball with my son. (My heart said yes, but my body said no). The fishing I did was in the headwaters or small tributaries of some of our famous Rangeley waters. The water was a little cooler and flow was good. The trout weren’t huge, 6 to 12 inches, but they were eager and seemed bigger on a 3-weight from pools the size of a one-car garage. And of course we never saw a soul, even though it was during weekends.

I want to go back in time to six weeks ago  because I haven’t had a chance yet to mention  a huge storm that hit the Kennebago area on evening of July 2nd. This Maine summer has been hot and humid with a chance of thunderstorms almost every day it seems. Some isolated storms have been severe with localized high winds and flooding. Sometimes a line of thunderstorms will pass over the same area again and again, a phenomenon called “training” – like train cars passing over the same section of track. This event can cause continual cloudbursts. This weather struck northern Franklin County between the Canadian border and Kennebago and Parmachenee Lakes on July 2nd.

We experienced record-setting heat at Kennebago Lake the first week of July

We experienced record-setting heat at Kennebago Lake the first week of July

During that night, a train of severe storms in Bowman Township dropped over three inches of rain in just several hours.

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Approaching storm on the evening of July 2nd

Approaching storm on the evening of July 2nd

This area has been extensively logged, reducing the forest soils’ ability to absorb water. One result:  the upper stretch of Little Kennebago River overflowed its banks and turned a thick muddy brown – imagine the color of the Mississippi River. So much muddy water flowed that Little Kennebago Lake, the western end of Kennebago Lake, the entire Kennebago River, and the part of Cupsuptic Arm where the river empties, all turned the same chocolate brown. It remains to be seen if this silting event has any longer-term effects on this critical coldwater fishery.

For the next several days the Kennebago River turned to mud.

For the next several days the Kennebago River turned to mud.

The incoming muddy river turned the west end of Kennebago Lake muddy as well.

The incoming muddy river turned the west end of Kennebago Lake muddy as well.